Volunteer with Us
You are invited to get involved in Breakforth in the capacity of a vounteer as a trainer, facilitator and more. We are also looking for people to join our wonderful team of volunteers to help at our events.
Fundraise for Breakforth
There are numerous ways to fund-raise for Breakforth “making a difference while having fun”. You can organise a fundraiser for Breakforth from indoor to outdoor events.
Social Media Participation
Please like, follow, share and invite friends and family members to like and follow our pages on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, e.t.c).
Promote Our Work
You can help us raise awareness in the public on what we do (our work) by representing us and giving talks in gatherings about Breakforth’s work.
Take Action
Are you in a position to empower a woman economically by sponsoring a trade, or do you have institutions that provide skills training, such as hair dressing, jewellery making, catering/hotel management, cloth making, basket weaving, hall decoration, agriculture or any other skills. Can you help our women stand on their own feet and be self sufficient? Please join our cause to combat poverty.
Breakforth’s Storehouse
You can make physical donations of new goods and non perishable items to our Breakforth store house in Ireland and Nigeria in support of widows and single mothers in need.
Donate to help us combat poverty and give hope to disadvantaged and vulnerable women and girls. Entrusting us with the responsibility to make your money add value to the lives of women and girls in impoverished condition it’s one we don’t take with levity but seriously. When you donate, we are committed to making sure that every donation received is strictly used for women and girls affected by poverty and social injustice. With your generous donation we can continue to help women break free from poverty and social injustice.