She can Break Forth and You Can Help!
Help her break free from Poverty and social injustice through:
• Business Skill Training
• Educational Projects
• Access to Micro-finance
• Capacity Building
Your donation will help us combat poverty and give hope to vulnerable and marginalised women and girls. Entrusting us with the responsibility to make your money add value to the lives of women and girls in impoverished condition it’s one we don’t take with levity but seriously. When you donate, we are committed to making sure that every donation received is strictly used for women and girls affected by poverty and social injustice. With your generous donation we can continue to help women break free from poverty and social injustice.

She can Break Forth and You Can Help!
Help her break free from Poverty and social injustice through:
• Business Skill Training
• Educational Projects
• Access to Micro-finance
• Capacity Building
Your donation will help us combat poverty and give hope to vulnerable and marginalised women and girls. Entrusting us with the responsibility to make your money add value to the lives of women and girls in impoverished condition it’s one we don’t take with levity but seriously. When you donate, we are committed to making sure that every donation received is strictly used for women and girls affected by poverty and social injustice. With your generous donation we can continue to help women break free from poverty and social injustice.